On January 20th, 2024, Frau Julia Grill, M. Sc. from IRS Stuttgart was awarded with a prize money of € 2,000 for her Bachelor Thesis causing a sensation. The thesis was about new nuclear electric propulsion systems which she has created together with the DLR Bremen. These new propulsion systems will allow us to get to Mars and Jupiter Moon Europa (and back ;-) ).
Again in 2023, the charitable association Observatory Greifswald e.V. will appoint the "Johannes Conrads Award" to the most excellent theoretical paper and practical work from astronomy and aerospace in the Baltic Sea area.
The Observatory Greifswald e.V. wants to catch the hearts and spirits of young academics with the "Johannes Conrads Award for Astronomy and Aerospace". Therefore, we are calling on pupils, students and young persons interested in astronomy to submit their expert and seminar papers, photo documentations, construction papers of their own astronomical tools, or similar. Accepted will be proposals that had been created between January 01, 2022 until October 31, 2023 (inclusively).
The presented proposals will be assessed by astronomy experts from the Baltic Sea area. The best proposal will be awarded with the "Johannes Conrads Award for Astronomy and Aerospace". Its prize
money is € 2,000 [twothousand]. Closing date is Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 24:00 hours. Recourse to legal process is excluded, i.e. the judges
decisions are final. Legal basis: Articles of Association § 2 Purpose, Benefit to the Public - Para. 5a. We appreciate the kind support of the Peter-Warschow-Sammelstiftung
The award ceremony will presumably take place in January 2024. The winner will be invited to present his or her proposal during the annual meeting of the association Observatory Greifswald e.V.. We are thankful to the Conrads Family and the Peter-Warschow-Sammelstiftung Greifswald for their kind support.
Awards can be appointed only once, provided professional and personal eligibility exist; if applicable the award ceremony will be obmitted.
In order to promote the achievements of the second generation of astronomers, the excellent young scientists and engineers, a prize money of € 2,500 has been handed out for this Conrads Promotional Award alone. The total distributed prize money for all Greifswald Astronomy Awards has already reached an amount of € 5,165 (updated on Jan 20, 2024).
We want to thank all our members as well as friends & sponsors like the Volksbank Greifswald, the Travel agent "Reisebüro Go Atlantis" as well as the Peter Warschow Foundation Greifswald for their amazing financial support.
Previous Conrads Award Winners
M. Eng. Lisa Knaack
Fraunhofer Research Institution for Large Structures in Production Engineering (IPG Rostock).
"Astronomical clock meets modern measurement and examination technique
- Documentation of astronomical clock of St. Mary Church to Rostock".
Frau Knaack held her ceremonial address in the run up to the association's annual meeting on Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at the Jahn Gymnasium Greifswald. She could accept the Award for Astronomy & Aerospace in the presence of Family Conrads and North German TV Station NDR. Congratulations!
Tim Brandt, University of Kiel
"Completely detached - Rocketry from today and tomorrow" - Impressive educational videos.
Prof. Dr. Joachim Buhrow, Greifswald
Autor & Editor of Book "500 Years of Great Astronomers in the Baltic Sea area"
Prof. Buhrow: "In case we look at the numbers and quality of astronomer works in the Baltic Sea area then we can rightfully say that it was as important as the Mediterranean Area."
Vitaly Andreev, Greifswald
"Most exciting objects of a hobby astronomer" - Excellent photos of a pupil.
Your donations towards the base capital
for the Johannes Conrads Award and its prize money (€ 500) as well as
are heartily welcome.
Our bank details: Greifswalder Sternwarte e.V.
IBAN: DE33 1309 1054 0014 8025 78
at Volksbank Vorpommern e.G., Greifswald, Germany.
Designated use: "Your name + Address" ... in order to enable us to send you the contribution receipts automatically at the beginning of the new year. In case you want to be mentioned publicly as a donor then please add: "Yes - publish". Please, indicate any earmarked donations. Your regular bank statements will be sufficient as a simplified proof towards EU fiscal authorities, up to an amount of € 300.
Intended use of your donations
We are using all your donations, entrance and membership fees
for purposes as stated in the associations articles
which will be regularly checked for charitable status by the Finanzamt Greifswald (tax and revenue office).
Charitable status was confirmed for the last time, on March 18, 2021. We are looking back on a very successful tradition, since the inauguration of our association over 25 years ago, on July 29, 1992. We are getting legal tax advice from a renowned tax accountant of office in Greifswald. Additionally, we have two internal account auditors who are independent of the management board and they were elected by the association's annual meeting.
Administrating an association by the management board is under the strict terms of Vereinsregister [Register of associations] at Amtsgericht Stralsund [until May 30, 2018 at Amtsgericht Greifswald - Changes ex officio].
"Discover the Joy of Astronomy" (€ 1,000 - 1st Generation)
- Addresses pupils in the Baltic Sea area.
- Honors Prof. Manfred Schukowski (1928 - ...) from Rostock, DE - For his great contributions towards astronomy lessons in the German school system, for decades.
- Current call until June 30, 2022 - For works that have been generated after Dec 01, 2021.
- Jury consists of members of Observatory Greifswald e.V..
"Remarkable Lifetime Achievements in Astronomy" (€ 555 - 3rd Generation)
- Highest award of the association Observatory Greifswald e.V..
- Honors the founders of astronomy in Greifswald over 250 years ago, i.e. Mayer & Röhl.
- Substantial proposals can always be submitted to the management board.
- Awarding of the winner is typically scheduled for the Autumn annual meeting of the astronomical institutions of German Federal Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Provided professional and personal qualifications exist, prizes can be awarded only once - Prize awards can be omitted where applicable. Applicants must demonstrate how they contributed outstanding services to the goodwill of all mankind and nature, to towards international understanding and / or to peace on Earth. Recourse to legal processes are excluded, i.e. the jury decisions are final.